Fast Eigensolver for plasmonic metasurfaces


  • Alexander O. Korotkevich
  • Xingjie Ni
  • Alexander V. Kildishev

Finding the wavevectors (eigenvalues) and wavefronts (eigenvectors) in nanostructured metasurfaces is cast as a problem of finding the complex roots of a non-linear equation. A new algorithm is introduced for solving this problem; example eigenvalues are obtained and compared against the results from a popular, yet much more computationally expensive method built on a matrix eigenvalue problem. In contrast to the conventional solvers, the proposed method always returns a set of ‘exact’ individual eigenvalues. First, by using the Lehmer-Schur algorithm, we isolate individual complex roots from each other, then use a zero-polishing method applied at the very final stage of ultimate eigenvalue localization. Exceptional computational performance, scalability, and accuracy are demonstrated. ©2014 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (160.3918) Metamaterials; (050.1755) Computational electromagnetics methods; (050.6624) Subwavelength structures. References and links 1. N. Yu, P. 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